Day 165: Write a single paragraph that conveys a lot about a character’s life. Think about how this can be achieved with voice and rhythm and repetition.


Stand by your beds, hands off rocks and on with socks, it’s time to go, slacker. That’ll force me from this prison of comfort. I need my drill sergeant back, he wouldn’t be letting me waste away in this place. Wish I could clear the cotton wool from my ears. Like the damn stuff’s alive, burrowing and chasing and… I gotta get it out. Wish I could move my hands, or get off this bed. Something’s going on out there. I can sense it.

Just a short one today as I’ve got to be up in… Just under five and a half hours. I think I’ve managed to convey something about the guys life. What do you think happened/is happening to my character? 

The Idiot in Tin Foil